Cash-strapped Health Ministry Directs Staff Not To Use Elevator

The ongoing economic hardships appear to be biting deep some state institutions, as the Ministry of Health, headed by Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, has initiated a strict directive to use its budgetary allocation from government judiciously.
As part of the measure, the ministry, through a memorandum, said there will be no elevator use from the 1st to 3rd floors going forward, ostensibly to cut cost. It also indicated that, staff cannot use the elevator on two days of the five working days.
According to the memo, sighted by The Anchor, the decision was informed by the current economic downturn and the controversial financial restructuring government is undertaking, both locally and internationally.
The one-page notice, signed by Frank Raji, said the current economic situation is impacting negatively on government financial releases to various public sector institutions and not only the ministry.
The memo said management is concerned about the amount of funds used in servicing the said elevator and other facilities available at the ministry.
Under the circumstances, management said this has forced it to initiate the following steps to control the use of the elevator.
The memo listed Tuesdays and Thursdays as days staff cannot use the lift.
By this, staff would be expected to use the staircase, however discomforting it may be to them so that the ministry can prudently use its limited funds.
The memo, issued on March 31, 2023, to all staff and copied to the minister, his two deputies, Tina Gifty Mensah, Mahama AseiSeini, as well as the chief director, said, “As you are aware, the country is going through some Economic Restructuring. This situation has impacted on Government’s financial releases to all Public Sector Institutions.
“Management has also noticed the huge amount of funds expended on maintaining the Ministry’s facilities including the elevators.
“This situation is impacting negatively on the finances of the Ministry and has therefore become necessary for management to regulate the use of the elevator by introducing the following:
- No use of the elevator from the 1st to the 3rd
- No lift days on Tuesdays and Thursdays.”
It urged both management and all staff to comply with the directive.
“Consequently, Management and all staff members are encouraged to support this initiative by complying with the directive,” the memo concluded.