Clement Apaak Lists Major Reforms Of Next NDC Govt On Education

The Spokesperson on Education for the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Dr Clement Abas Apaak, has outlined major reforms the NDC would introduce should they assume office in 2025.
According to him, the double-track system, will be abolished to restore a single academic calendar.
Dr Apaak, who is also the Deputy Ranking Member on the Education Committee of Parliament, added that the NDC will embark on an emergency infrastructure drive to complete abandoned E-blocks and expand infrastructure in existing Senior High Schools [SHS] and TVET institutions.
Speaking at the NDC’s sectoral press briefing on its 2024 manifesto, he listed 13 reforms the NDC will undertake, including a review of the Computerized School Selection & Placement System (CSSPS) to address corruption in school placement and make it merit-based as well as;
1. Abolish the double-track system to restore a stable one-track academic calendar;
2. Embark on an emergency infrastructure drive to complete abandoned E-blocks and expand infrastructure in existing SHSs and TVET institutions;
3. Provide a dedicated and sustainable funding source for quality secondary education by ring-fencing a percentage of our oil proceeds;
4. Decentralize the procurement of food and other basic supplies, ensure timely food supply and improve the quantity and quality of food for students;
5. Continue our policy of provision of free laptops/tablets for SHS students;
6. Extend Free SHS to cover students in private Senior High Schools;
- Reform secondary education curricula to integrate STEM, agriculture, vocational skills, digital literacy, civic education, design thinking and life skills into secondary educational outcomes;8. Expand Science Resource Centres (SRC) across the regions to support STEM/TVET education;
9. Commence the establishment of regional TVET Centres of Excellence integrated with fabrication and other state-of-the-art facilities to promote innovation and simulate real work environments;
10. Prioritize, rebrand and increase investments in TVET as a key anchor of economic transformation;
11. Implement a ‘National Apprenticeship Programme’ to generate self-employment through the provision of free technical and vocational training for young people in various crafts;
With regards to the tertiary, he highlighted 9 distinctive policies the NDC will take to transform the sector.
According to the Builsa South MP, the next NDC government, will among others:
1. Implement a ‘No-Academic-Fees’ policy for all first-year students in all public tertiary institutions (Universities, Technical Universities, Colleges of Education, Nursing Training Colleges etc.);
2. Provide Free Tertiary Education for all persons with disabilities;
3. Implement a ‘Bed-for-All’ programme by building on-campus and affordable students’ hostels and expanding accommodation facilities for tertiary students through PPP Schemes;
4. Provide trainee allowances, student loans and other diverse funding options for teacher and nurses trainees;
5. Revamp the Student Loan Trust Fund to increase loan amounts based on a needs assessment and ensure prompt disbursements;
6. Introduce legislation to usher in a new era of government scholarship administration which will prohibit the award of scholarships to government officials and streamline scholarships across multiple sectors to do away with the current uncoordinated regime;
7. De-collateralise the GETFUND and restore it to its original mandate of educational financing;
8. Continue with our policy to establish public universities in every region with a focus on newly-created regions;
9. Improve subventions to public Universities and ensure timely disbursements.