Rights Of Our Stakeholders Will Be Respected

– Newmont 

The management of Newmont Africa has assured the public that, in spite of the incessant attacks on the company at its Ahafo North Project’s mining site leading to vandalization of properties, among others, it still remains committed to respecting the rights of all its stakeholders.

According to the company, “it will continue constructive and organised dialogue with all stakeholders on all issues of mutual concern to ensure the long-term sustainability of the business and the jobs, incomes, tax revenues and other benefits the company provides.”

The assurance from Newmont follows recent unprovoked attacks on the mining firm in the Tano North district of the Ahafo Region by some disgruntled farmers, led by one John Mensah, who had defied a court directive and attacked the company’s workers.

This was after an earlier attack where the farmers were arrested and arraigned before court, after they had aggressively disrupted land-clearing activities by the company and its contractors, vandalise done of its vehicles and threatened to burn the exploration drill rig, among other equipment.

The farmers, numbering four, are part of some 21 farmers belonging to the Concerned Farmers Association, who have refused to abide by the outcome of the negotiations and subsequently declined enumeration of their farms and structures.

But Newmont Africa, in a statement copied The Anchor, said that, regardless the attacks, “Newmont Africa remains committed to progressing the Ahafo North Project in a responsible and sustainable manner, having due regard for the human rights of all persons affected by the Project. The company respects and proactively engaged in good faith dialogue to reach mutually acceptable solutions.”

Below Is Published The Official Statement From The Company:

Newmont Africa Addresses Reports of Arrest of Concerned Farmers in Relation to Ahafo North Project (003)


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