Headmaster Assaults Female SHS Student

A second-year female student, believed to be from the Nkwatia Presby Senior High School(SHS) in the Eastern Region, is battling for her sight, after she was allegedly beaten and slapped by the assistance headmaster of the school in-charge of academics.

Pictures and a video of the student, which have since gone viral on various social media platforms, showed what looks like bruises on the face of the young lady, with her right eye struggling to open.

Multiple online reports suggest the student, whose name was given as Diana, was beaten for allegedly leaving the school premises without seeking permission, even though the lady insists she had an exeat.

In a tweet shared by SIKAOFFICIAL on Twitter, “A second-year student of the Nkwatia Presby Senior High School goes partially blind after allegedly being slapped by the Headmaster of Academics for leaving campus without an exeat.

“According to reports, the student identified as Diana, actually had permission to leave campus but the headmaster refused to listen when she tried explaining to him,” the tweet said.

The tweet also explained that with this, the headmaster (unnamed) asked the student to kneel until she (the student) started complaining that she was not feeling well.

In response, the headmaster is said to have threatened her with more punitive measures, leading to what prompted him (the headmaster) to physically assault her.

“He made her kneel down for a period of time and when she told him that she was unwell, his alleged response was that he’ll lash her to make her feel better.

“She mistakenly held his cane when he was about to lash her and this infuriated him and prompted him to land a hefty slap on her face after which he beat her up,” the tweet added.

In one of the photos, shared along with the images of Diana, it showed a snipped comment of someone who narrated another side of the matter, reports Ghanaweb.

In the post, the Facebook user claimed that her sister is also a student at the Nkwatia Presby Senior High School and that the maltreatment did not only end there with the headmaster.

She claimed that her sister (who is also a student), told her that Diana (the student who was allegedly assaulted) was further maltreated by some teachers in the school.

“My little sister is also a student at the school. My sister came home last week and was reporting everything to me. According to my sister after what the headmaster did to the girl, she was maltreated by the teachers.

“She said during their exams, the girl was placed in the staff common room to write exams under strict supervision,” the Facebook user wrote.

In another Facebook post by Speaker Nana Fianko, who works at Atinka Media Village, he said that the student is currently at home, receiving treatment.

He added that the school has “failed to even give her proper medical attention aside from Paracetamol to ease the pain.”

At the time of going to press yesterday, neither the Ghana Education Service (GES) nor the Ministry of Education had issued a statement or commented on the development.

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